
Heard on the Street - October 27, 2009

It's been a long time since I've posted anything, but I'm back with a gem. The best part is, this one was actually directed at me! To put it in context, this "gentleman" was walking down the sidewalk toward me, smack dab in the middle of the sidewalk. I was trying to decide whether to go around him to the right or the left when I was auditorily accosted with the following.

"I know you ain't crazy, bitch. Spanish-looking motherfucker..."
-Rhode Island Ave NW at 16th St NW


Hello Cupcake!

Hello Cupcake opened last week to much fanfare, adding to the small, but growing, selection of cupcakes here in DC. I suppose DC is taking its cue from NYC and LA, where there are full fledged cupcake wars (see, for example, this intriguing article). I finally got to try Hello Cupcake today - a little treat to myself to take my mind off of the pain in the center of my back, the result of a mole removal and four stitches.

Back to the cupcakes - with the hype this was getting around the internet, I was expecting nothing short of a Magnolia cupcake. OK, that's really all I have to compare it to as far as the specialty-cupcake-bakery-universe goes. I'm going to have to give Hello an A-. For a $3 cupcake, it's a bit on the small side - about the size of what you'd make at home. If memory serves, a Magnolia cupcake is closer to $2 (maybe $2.50 - or it could have gone up by now, it's been a few years), and is close to twice the size. Hello wins with its icing though. Whereas Magnolia uses, exclusively I believe, a rich buttercream icing - which is delicious, don't get me wrong - Hello uses a variety of icings. The cupcake I sampled was the You Tart flavor - lemon cake with lemon cream cheese frosting. The cake was nice and moist, with a hint of lemon flavor that seemed to get stronger as you ate it. The icing, while there was a lot of it, was nice and light, and not overly sweet. Some other flavors use a buttercream base, or ganache, or peanut butter.

Final verdict - I will definitely return to sample other flavors. Just as soon as I resume my gym routine and can work these suckers off...


A couple of photos...

just in case those links don't work.

From Roberto:

From Natalie:

We're married!!

It's been quite a while since I've posted anything - that pesky wedding got in the way and took up all of my time.  Plus, I think there are only like 3 people that look at this thing anyway.  

We had a great wedding day.  The weather was perfect, everything turned out really nicely, and everyone had a fantastic time.  We haven't seen any of the professional photos yet, but a couple of friends have posted the photos they took in Picasa albums.  Look for those here and here.  Hope those links work.


Home, Sweet Home

12th Street Brothel Exposed

[That's right, the 12th Street that I LIVE ON! Like, 3 doors down (on the other side of P Street).]

A brothel located in a trendy D.C. neighborhood gets cleared out days before police could move in.

The brothel was believed to be trafficking under age Latino women for more than a year. The apartment building, located near Logan Circle, had lights and activity late Tuesday night according to neighbors, but now it stands vacant.

Neighbors said a steady flow of men went in the front of the home, then out the back, 15 to 30 minutes later.

"They was Latino, I know that much about them. But other than that I don't know," said one resident.

While the man who lived overhead didn't want to talk about the people in the basement, another neighbor was so frightened of retribution from the man who ran the operation, that he didn't want to be identified.

"It's an illegal business. These people are not always nice people. Things happen to your house, to your car, to your person," said a neighbor.

Different young women arrived every few months, the clients mostly showed up during work-day hours.

"There was a prostitution ring in the basement for more than a year."

Undercover investigators described the prostitutes as underage girls. Authorities fear the man who ran the brothel trafficked in women desperate to get to the U.S. from Central America.

"It's very common that they use underage girls, you know, they take them away from their families and they don't have any money," said Michelle Molotsky with Ward 2 Constituent Services.

The apartment appeared to be divided into smaller rooms. Once the property manager learned the tenants had packed up and pulled out, he arrived with a key.

"When did they leave sir?" asked ABC 7's Stephen Tschida, "Sir did you know it was a brothel?"

The property manager seemed surprise about the basement being used for illicit purposes.

"A brothel, what are you talking about," he asked.

Neighbors said in the past few months the prostitution became blatant. Apparently a pimp would bring a prostitute out of the apartment to show a prospective john.

"A vehicle pulled up into the alley a young girl came through the fence got into the vehicle," said one neighbor, "they were probably negotiating a price."

The man who supposedly ran the operation likely moved to another location, and perhaps continue to run his prostitution ring.

[From http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0508/521756.html. Someone should tell that reporter that each new sentence does not need a new paragraph. And no, I had no clue there was a brothel being run in there, although thinking back, I did hear some suspicious things at night every now and then.]


The funniest news lead-in ever!

Sue Simmons (NBC News, New York City) drops the f-bomb when she thinks they've gone to commercial. Hy-ster-i-cal!!!


When Will Clinton Go Away?

From the AP:
"Clinton [] disclosed that she had loaned her campaign an additional $6.4 million in recent weeks, additional evidence that her once front-runner campaign was in deep trouble.

She told reporters the loans were a sign of her commitment to her quest for the White House. She earlier loaned herself $5 million as she struggled to keep up with a better-financed Obama campaign."

And she has the nerve to call Obama "elitist"?

What working-class populist has $11.4 million lying around to "loan" to a campaign? And she's the one who's in touch with the people? Right....that's why no one will donate to her campaign. It's pretty pathetic that she grovels for money at some point during each speech she gives. I've never once heard Obama ask people to go to his website and donate to his campaign. He doesn't need to - enough people believe in him and want him to go all the way. Clinton's lack of financial support should be telling.

So when will she give this up? She has no mathematical chance of winning the nomination, not if everyone follows the rules. But these are the Clintons, and I wouldn't put anything (*cough cough bribe*) past them.

Must be nice to have $11.4 million to blow on something you have no chance of getting.