
July 26, 2006 - Seen on the Street

P Street at Logan Circle - Umm, isn't the flatbed for the disabled vehicle?!

Today I witnessed an oddity that inspired me to start a new version of "on the Street." I was returning to work after lunching at home, and I saw a flatbed tow truck come down the street. On the bed of the truck was not a vehicle, as one might expect, but 12-15 people in business casual attire. People!! A few were standing, and the rest were sitting. I couldn't help but think, "That looks phenomenally dangerous!" (Seriously, those exact words.) Funny, I always thought those flatbeds were to put the broken down car (or bus as it may have been in this case) on, not the people who wind up stranded. You learn something new everyday!

1 comment:

Joe said...

Sharon's car went on a flatbed yesterday. I can't say I've ever seen people on a flatbed, but there are plenty of people here that ride in the back of trucks, and that's dangerous enough.