
When Will Clinton Go Away?

From the AP:
"Clinton [] disclosed that she had loaned her campaign an additional $6.4 million in recent weeks, additional evidence that her once front-runner campaign was in deep trouble.

She told reporters the loans were a sign of her commitment to her quest for the White House. She earlier loaned herself $5 million as she struggled to keep up with a better-financed Obama campaign."

And she has the nerve to call Obama "elitist"?

What working-class populist has $11.4 million lying around to "loan" to a campaign? And she's the one who's in touch with the people? Right....that's why no one will donate to her campaign. It's pretty pathetic that she grovels for money at some point during each speech she gives. I've never once heard Obama ask people to go to his website and donate to his campaign. He doesn't need to - enough people believe in him and want him to go all the way. Clinton's lack of financial support should be telling.

So when will she give this up? She has no mathematical chance of winning the nomination, not if everyone follows the rules. But these are the Clintons, and I wouldn't put anything (*cough cough bribe*) past them.

Must be nice to have $11.4 million to blow on something you have no chance of getting.

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